Winner, S:t Julianpriset
MIK Fotboll runs parasport teams for the visually impaired (MIK Sound, MIK Sound Junior) and young players with learning challenges (MIK All Stars and MIK All Stars Junior).
The motivation for S:t Julianpriset 2019 from the City of Stockholm reads: “The football club’s broad parasport activities, together with partners, is a very good example of the integration of people with disabilities in civil society.”
Mark Blake from Everland Communication is project manager and fund rasiser for the teams. He’s also coach for MIK Sound and MIK Sound Junior and started MIK All Stars together with Klas Fältström, Chairman of MIK Football.
Email mark.blake@everlandcommunications.se or info@mikfotboll.se to find out more, including how you can start parasport locally.